- Website
- Download MSBasic.exe
- MMBasic User Manual
- GW-Basic User Manual
- Implementation
- MSBasic.exe is a single executable file and does not need installation. Simply save it to a folder where your .BAS files reside, or save it under \Program Files\MMBasic\
- MMBasic is a subset of GW-Basic
- Assign .BAS file types to be opened with MMBasic.exe
- Pin MMBasic.exe to taskbar
- Run .BAS Programs
- .BAS files can be opened and run in the DOS window by either of three methods
- Double click on .BAS file
- Drag and drop the .BAS file onto the MMBasic.exe icon
- Click on the MMBasic.exe icon, then type RUN "XXXX.BAS" in the DOS window
- Input/Output
- MMBasic input and output occurs in the DOS window. If a printed copy or a PDF of the input/output is needed, that can be accomplished using Notepad
- Right click on the DOS window top title bar
- Click Edit
- Click Select All. The entire contents of the DOS window will be highlighted
- Right click on the DOS window top title bar
- Click Edit
- Click Copy
- Open Notepad
- Open new file
- Paste into Notepad
- Print or generate PDF from Notepad
- Syntax Limitations
- MMBasic has a few syntax limitations
- Does not support LPRINT
- Does not support PRINT USING, therefore number strings cannot be formatted and numbers print as is
Code Writer
- A useful tool to edit programs in any language incuding Basic is Code Writer
- It can be downloaded and installed from the Microsoft Store
- Assign .BAS file types to be opened with Notepad
- Open .BAS file in Notpad
- Highlight .BAS file in Notepad
- Right click window > Copy
- Open Notepad
- Open new file
- Paste into Notepad
- Print or generate PDF from Notepad
- MMBasic input and output occurs in the DOS window. If a printed copy or a PDF of the source code or input/output is needed, that can be accomplished using Notepad. See instructions above.
- Notepad is usually pre-installed in PCs. If not, it can be downloaded at Notepad++
BERNOULI.BAS - Reliability Demonstration using Bernoulli Trials
- Calculates the required number of trials for a given number of failures, or the number of failures for a given number of trials. Input the desired reliability to be demonstrated at a specific confidence level and producer's risk.
- Consumer's risk -- True reliability < Required reliability
- Producer's risk -- True reliability > Required reliability
- The .BAS file is a text file and therefore will open in the browser window. Right click > Save As > Delete .txt extension > Select folder > Save
- Source code PDF
- Sample input/output 1
- Sample input/output 2
- Sample input/output 3
- Sample input/output 4
- Bernoulli trial equations
BINOMIAL.BAS - Binomial Redundant Reliability
- Uses the binomial expansion to compute the reliability of parallel operating redundant units when a minimum number are needed for system success and additional standby operating units are available as backup
- The .BAS file is a text file and therefore will open in the browser window. Right click > Save As > Delete .txt extension > Select folder > Save
- Source code PDF
- Sample input/output 1
- Binomial expansion equations
BINWEIB.BAS - Binomial Reliability with Exponential or Weibull Failure Distributions
CHSQMTBF.BAS - MTBF Demonstration by Test Program
COMPDATA.BAS - Component Reliability Data
LOGBIN.BAS - Logarithmic Binomial Redundant Reliability
- Uses the logarithmic binomial expansion to compute the reliability of parallel operating redundant units when a minimum number are needed for system success and additional standby operating units are available as backup
- Download LOGBIN.BAS
- The .BAS file is a text file and therefore will open in the browser window. Right click > Save As > Delete .txt extension > Select folder > Save
- Source code PDF
- Sample input/output 1
- Binomial expansion equations
MARKOV2.BAS - Markov Solution of Multi-State System Probabilities
- Computes time-dependent, multi-state probabilities using explicit or implicit finite diference methodology. The sample problem uses data for a deisel generator to compute probabilities of being in six states, standby, operation, test, preventive maintemance, failure and repair.
- Download MARKOV2.BAS
- The .BAS file is a text file and therefore will open in the browser window. Right click > Save As > Delete .txt extension > Select folder > Save
- Source code PDF
- Sample input/output 1
- Sample input/output 2
- "Automation of Markov Theorem for Solution of Multistate System Probabilities", S. Massoud Azizi & Philip D. Rutherford, 17th Inter-RAM Conference for the Electric Power Industry, San Francisco, May 1990.
POISSONO.BAS - Poisson Redundant Reliability of M + N Operating Units
- Uses the poisson distribution for evaluating redundant operating systems. Applicable to parallel units such as heat pipes where M required and N spare (excess) units are all operating in parallel.
- The .BAS file is a text file and therefore will open in the browser window. Right click > Save As > Delete .txt extension > Select folder > Save
- Source code PDF
- Sample input/output 1
- Poisson expansion equations
POISSONS.BAS - Poisson Redundant Reliability of M Operating plus N Standby Units
RMN.BAS - Reliability Analysis of Redundant Systems
- Calculates reliability of redundant systems based on the general equation developed by Robert S. Pringle and Philip M. Gresho in "A Comprehensive Reliabilty Analysis of Redundant Systems", Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 4, No. 5, May 1967, pp 631-638. RMN.BAS was originally written by Dwight Burgess and revised by Phil Rutherford.
- Poisson-binomial models are used for evaluating reliability logic options include parallel operation redundancy or operating and standby redundancy with or without startup for operating units and with or without switching for employed standby units.
- Download RMN.BAS
- The .BAS file is a text file and therefore will open in the browser window. Right click > Save As > Delete .txt extension > Select folder > Save
- Source code PDF
- Sample input/output 1
- Pringle/Gresho paper
SCOREGEN.BAS - Statistically Correlated Component Failure
- Models common cause failures in parallel replicate or diverse redundant systems using varying degrees of statistical correlation.
- The .BAS file is a text file and therefore will open in the browser window. Right click > Save As > Delete .txt extension > Select folder > Save
- Source code PDF
- Sample input/output 1
- Binomial expansion equations
- Statistical correlation model and parameters
TTFTEST.BAS - Rank-Ordered Test-to-Failure Data
ACCLIFE.XLSX - Accelerated Life Testing
GROWTH.XLSX - Reliability Growth
MOMENTS.XLSX - Method of Moments Combining of Normal and Logarithmic Distributions
- Download MOMENTS.XLSX MS Excel spreadsheet for adding and multiplying normal and logarithmic distributions. Input normally distributed data with either mean and 95th percentiles or mean and variance. Input logarithmicaly distributed data with either median and error factor or mean and variance.
SERPAR.XLSX - Serial and Parallel Reliability
SWITCH.XLSX - Reliabilty of Series and Parallel Switching Circuits
- Download SWITCH.XLSX MS Excel spreadsheet to compute reliability of series, parallel, series-parallel and parallel-series switching networks for open and closed failure modes.
TESTIME.XLSX - Test Time Required to Demonstrate MTBF
WEIBULL.XLSX - Weibull and Exponential Failure Rate Models